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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just Desserts

Guess I'm using FourSquare more than I realized...and guess I'm getting Pinkberry more than I realized too. Hello Desserts Badge. But um a knife as the badge picture? Weird.

Have you had the watermelon flavor at Pinkberry yet? Go run now while it is still in stores. Cool, sweet and so refreshing. Nom noms for everyone!

What's your favorite dessert?

"Be sweet!" - my mommy



  1. #1 I love the new look!!! So cute!

    #2 I had watermelon Pinkberry tonight :) Swirled with mango. Major nom noms!!! And to keep it all the same, I just opted to top it with fresh watermelon and mango. Delish.

    #3 As for favorite dessert? Seriously, I will choose anything fruity over chocolate any day of the week. And please, if it's lemon flavored? You might as well just put two pieces on my plate.

  2. oohhh i like the new layout, too!

    i have tried the watermelon flavor at PB...very refreshing, espcially on a hot day.

    as for dessert - does fro yo count? and before fro yo, i screamed for ice cream...oh and cupcakes...and cookies. ok i'm just ridic. i obvs have a sweet tooth lol

  3. Oh girls I am with you both. I am such a sweets freak!

    Thanks for stopping by xoxo
