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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Signs of Fall

Fall doesn't officially arrive until Saturday but I've seen signs of it's approach for a week or two...

 New Red Bag for all my Mama things. 
Striped BabyLegs on 3. I hate to cover up his rolls tho!!
 College Football Saturdays are back! Go State!
 Beautiful morning sky from the subway platform.
 A cozy but small hat for our morning walk.

How do you know it's Fall?


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Music Monday

 As a Kindergarten teacher I hear my fair share of "Kid Music". Standards we all probably grew up with - " Head and Shoulders", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" get the idea. 
I wanted to find music that was...different for 3. 
Don't get me wrong, I love those songs. But...I know there are other choices out there that during this baby stage we could all enjoy and appreciate.
 Here are some not so typical songs we just can't get enough of...with direct links to iTunes.

Get Up Dance
Caribbean Amphibian - Sesame Street: Elmopalooza!
I hear you "MICHELLE!!! This is Sesame Street!!!!!" TRUST ME. This is a duet by Kermit the Frog and Jimmy Buffet. No really!! I played this one cranky night while wearing and dancing with 3 and now it is our "magic" song. 
 this may sound familiar from some tv commercials
"Mama loves you so much baby..." just makes you want to dance!
Once upon a time my sister could play this on the ukulele, it is fun and very upbeat. Wiggleworms is a great CD with a mix of old and new songs. 
The Woody Guthrie version because it's Woody Guthrie

Lay Down and Nap (pleeeeeeease)
Far from a kid song, but I love it
Your Hand In Mine - The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place
FNL fans this should sound words. Sometimes mamas we need that. 
Natalie Merchant. CD is of various artists and benefits Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
Each Coming Night - Our Endless Numbered Days
Another one not "made" for kids but it just sounds so sweet and pretty
3 Is the Magic Number - You Are My Sunshine 
Elizabeth Mitchell sings this and all her albums are worth downloading.
3 truly is my magic number


Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer, Part 1

We're half way thru a glorious summer at the lake. As soon as school ended we packed up a cute rental and headed west. Out of the hot, crowded city and into wide open spaces with a yard and lake to call our own. It has been a wonderful chance to unwind and relax.
A little head to head talk on the blanket

Exploring  solid foods - Avocado. Also, I promise you I was wearing pants. 

The grown ups have had fun too
Chicken Dinner at Zehnder's

Custard from Creamy Freeze, Dairy Twist and Twist n' Shake.

Sunsets from the yard are so perfect

We still have a few more weeks left and I for once cannot wait.

Be well,

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yo Baby, Yo Mama, Yo Burger

A nearby neighorborhood has a delicious new burger, hot dog and fro-yo spot: Yo Burger. It's an easy and delicious to our weekend food routines.
Love the packaging for the fries!
Plain - with strawberries, choc chips, cookie dough bits and gummie bears.

"What none for me???" 6 months old already - can you believe it?!?


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Today was one of the days I'd like to bottle up. The smell of salt air. The sound of waves and seagulls. 
Aside from a few brave solves out in the sand and tons of retirees on the boardwalk we had the place to ourselves.
 Sunken Meadow
 Long Island Sound
Baby's First Beach Day: The kind of day I know he'll never remember, but one I won't soon forget.

Bonnie Baby was on Gilt the other day and I picked up 3's cute striped blanket. Obsessed.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Do You See What I See

Top corner of the bomber in the form of a slumbering baby! D'awwwww.

The meal was delicious by the way. Have been loving these steamer bags of veggies and snapped the pic to write a post about them. Perhaps this weekend!

xo, Michelle

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Broadway and....

Just the other day I reached into the pocket of my coat and found this. Guys and Dolls ticket stub from 2009. 2009?? This feels like a lifetime ago. This was way before Pancakes! Everyone says once baby arrives you can't imagine what life was like before he/she was born and they are right! TV3 I am so glad you are here :) Anyway, the funniest thing about finding this ticket was sharing it on twitter and chatting about the show with a fellow theatre fan. We didn't know each other back in 2009 but we both went and saw this show! We love Lauren Graham who played Miss Adelaide in the show. Love me some good showtunes.

Imagine the giggles I had when I read TheBabyGuyNYC's post "Breast Side Story" . Since entering the sometimes overwhelming world of baby products, Jamie's Gear Guide site has been a place full of information and humor for me while I try to learn all I can about the world of baby products.
If you are a mama looking for a breast pump, like Broadway, just want a laugh or any combo of the above, head on over where you can enter to win a Hygeia EnJoye LBI Deluxe Tote Set and as an added bonus, sing a little song about a girl named Maria...

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I had almost forgotten about this blog. Almost.

I can almost get thru the morning without coffee. Almost.

It's almost Valentine's Day. Almost time for 3 to wear an adorable onesie for this fun holiday.

It's almost 3's 3 month birthday. Almost. Tom's dad use to say that babies get a birthday every month of their first year. How lovely is that?

It's almost time for me to go back to work. And I'm almost ready. Almost. But not quite.
