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Thursday, August 26, 2010

I've Still Got Mail

A few posts ago I talked about cutting out the junk in my inbox. Feels so good! Every day there seems to be something else to unsubscribe from. It's annoying but also freeing.

I thought I'd share what I AM reading every day. 1 food related, 2 for inspiration & 1 final guilty pleasure.

For Yummies...
fun & helpful reviews written by fun people, daily trips & tricks
My favorite: the supermarket list their essentials & new finds, all in one easy to find place

For Inspiration...
"a free daily e-multivitamin for your soul!" -directly from their website
Really great quotes and affirmations. Love it.
Part of today's email included this: "
I am grateful for change because I know it always brings new energy into my life." wow.

Wow. Yeah pretty awesome to see "A note from The Universe" in my inbox
"short, personalized, and sometimes humorous reminders of life's magic"
Today's email included this little bit: "and there have been surprises, Michelle, that suddenly changed your entire life for the better, and there will be many more. Jumanji, baby."

For My Guilty Pleasure...

I got rid of the & gossip emails so this is as close as I get to good dish.
Team Edward, Team Emmett, Team Kristen Stewart...I get all I need.

Any gems in your inbox? Sharing is Caring!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chillin' and Grillin'

Grilling is such a great summer way to cook and we hardly ever get the chance to do it in the city. While we were in Michigan we took advantage of the outdoor space and grilled every single day. Chicken, kabobs, corn - you name it we grilled it. And ate it. Nom Nom.

legit - us on icanhascheezburger!

Back at home, we had a taco nite last week. Enter leftover ground beef. What to do what to do?

Making them free form? Eeek I'm awful. Oh how I wish I had this little gem of a cooks tool from Tupperware.
Hamburger Press - makes beautiful burgers!

I want. I need. Once we have a grill.

For not having a press I didn't do so bad.

Seasoned the burger with salt, pepper and a blend of dried italian spices. YUM

While we are on the subject of grilling...Sweet Baby Ray's.
Delicious sauce. YUM.

What do you love to grill? What are your favorite sides? Leave some love!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Chicken Soup With Rice

Alternate Post Title: Rainy Monday

current radar over the tri-state area. gross.

Getting caught in the the huge downpours of rain...with some great girl friends yesterday too freaking funny. Good times ladies, good times.

HS friend had this posted on her FB today...too cute. Remember this poem?

Perfect day for Chicken Soup with Rice


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thinning out Emails

Take THAT inbox

Somewhere over the last few years since I started using gmail I have signed up for quite a few newsletters. Daily deals ($), motivational quotes (love these!), sample sale updates ($$), travel specials (still $$$) etc etc. One problem? They clog up my inbox & BlackBerry like whoa. I usually spend a good part of the commute to work deleting via the BB when I could be reading or just getting in the 'zone' for the day ahead.

In a new effort to unclutter my mind, inbox and apt I spent some time over the summer unsubscribing from all the useless junk. All the shopping and travel stuff? GONE. The motivational quotes? Filed into a folder (gosh I love gmail!) for future viewing when I need a pick me up. Tons of work emails from the previous school years? Archived, out of site, out of mind. I'm down to less than 10 non human emails a day and it. is. amazing.

Now if only de-cluttering the apt could be so easy.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Home and Dry

Thumbs up to Pet Shop Boys for this song...I love it so so much.

"There's a plane at JFK
to fly you back from far away
all those dark and frantic
transatlantic miles"

last flight of the summer...on the tram at OIA headed for my gate...

It is GREAT to be home, with at least one more week of an NYC staycation left. Florida, Michigan, more Florida and NJ Shore - so many miles. I got back on Saturday at 5pm (on 4 hours of sleep), briefly saw T(sorry honey) before heading to a bachelorette party for my dear co-worker. So I am proud to say that so far I have done NOTHING else since being home. Nadda. Zip.

Well...I've uploaded pics, gone out for sushi and surfed the net (hi RPattz & KStew making the kissy face in MapleLeafLand). #Priorities

I spent almost 6 weeks away from home. Only 1 week was spent with my husband! T I've missed you so so so much. And blogger friends I've missed you too! Looking forward to catching up. And unpacking.
