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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Think of a Lovely Thought

Should I post something happy? Ok HAPPY!!!!
Seriously - when my mom, sister & I were moving baby sister in at college we - of course - started crying when it was time to go. In the midst of a big group hug she yells out "HAPPY!!! HUGGING" And of course we all started laughing! It's my new "happy thought"

So now when I'm a little blue - I just think to myself "HAPPY!!!!! HUGGING!!!!!!" and I giggle :)

SO ughhh Sunday night, work tomorrow, stress I don't need because we are one staff member short this year, US weekly didn't come bc I forgot to send the check in...oh wait "HAPPPY!!!! HUGGING!!!!!!!"

Works every time.....


ps- back to food blogging this week!


  1. Aw thanks! I think we all need a happy thought to help us escape the stress of the day :)

  2. OK, I'll have to remember that daughter is a hugger!
    Sending happy hugs to you & mom since the little bird left the nest.

  3. We love hugs!
    I think my parents are dealing pretty well with us girls out of the house. Finally after 30 years of marriage they no longer have to share only 1 bathroom...the kids bathroom is free for one of them to claim in the morning!
