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Thursday, March 6, 2008


The word co-op send a shiver down many a spine of those looking to buy an apt. But this is a different kind of co-op.

I was flipping thru the online version of a local paper here (i love the rss feed!!) and came across and interesting entry. "The Norwood Food CoOp is currently accepting applications" Hmmmm I had some idea as to what a food coop was, thanks to a random episode of Law & Order, but I was curious as to how it might work here in the city. After further examination, I think we may purchase a half share of the fruit share. I just don't use veggies as much as I'd like. Fruit I think would be easier to grab and go in the morning or as a quick snack even when we're home. Sadly, even when I have grand intentions of making salad to take to work for lunch or as a starter for dinner, some or all of my selections go bad before I can use them a second time or even once. So fruit I think is the way to go. I have a sweet tooth afterall and this would be a healthier way to soothe that than sweets. 

Pics from a pick-up day a few years ago look...hippie. And I think a lot of ppl assume it will be that way. But I can deal. Fresh apples & berries yummma. Seeing that my dad grew up on a dairy farm upstate, I guess it's only a matter of time before one of his 3 daughters goes back to her roots. I don't think any of us are about to give up the Vanilla Soy milk we love so much, so this may be the next best thing. The Veggie farm is from about an hour east of where he grew up. And the Fruit Orchard is a about an hour and a half north, up and over to the next lake. Beyond the geographic connections, I think supporting what's left of our small local farms is SO important. 

I cannnnot wait!

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