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Monday, August 16, 2010

Home and Dry

Thumbs up to Pet Shop Boys for this song...I love it so so much.

"There's a plane at JFK
to fly you back from far away
all those dark and frantic
transatlantic miles"

last flight of the summer...on the tram at OIA headed for my gate...

It is GREAT to be home, with at least one more week of an NYC staycation left. Florida, Michigan, more Florida and NJ Shore - so many miles. I got back on Saturday at 5pm (on 4 hours of sleep), briefly saw T(sorry honey) before heading to a bachelorette party for my dear co-worker. So I am proud to say that so far I have done NOTHING else since being home. Nadda. Zip.

Well...I've uploaded pics, gone out for sushi and surfed the net (hi RPattz & KStew making the kissy face in MapleLeafLand). #Priorities

I spent almost 6 weeks away from home. Only 1 week was spent with my husband! T I've missed you so so so much. And blogger friends I've missed you too! Looking forward to catching up. And unpacking.
