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Monday, April 7, 2008

Juno & Movies & Food

If you haven't seen the movie - go now. I was a bit late to join the bandwagon and now it's only playing in 1 theatre here in the big city. 

So finally Saturday we went and saw it. I already have the soundtrack after my mom & sisters raved about it. Great songs btw. Get thee to iTunes!

There is really nothing I love more than popcorn & soda at the movie theatre. I try to not get it alot but it's my favorite! So Saturday I treated myself and got popcorn. Yummmmy. What is up with a Medium being as big as my head? Portion control people! 

Besides the hamburger phone, there's a few funny food references in the movie that had me giggling. 

One - when the dad says to Liberty bell, Juno's step sister - "Liberty Bell, if you put one more Bac-O on that potato I'm gonna kick your little monkey butt!"
What is more suburban and normal than Bac-Os?? You certainly start to feel like they could be your family in a way. And you want a nice big baked potato!! 

And second would have to be when Paulie Bleeker's mom comes to his room to call him for dinner and says "It's your favorite, breakfast for dinner!" Who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?!??! I could have cold cereal in the am and something hotttt like eggs or waffles at night. Everything in the world would be right :) 

Great movie, funny quotes - go see if you haven't already!!

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