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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Je mange du pain

"Did you know half of Orange County speaks Spanish and we're learning how to order baguettes?!?!"
- The O.C. watch the clip here

For as long as I can remember, Central Florida supermarkets have not had Italian bread. I remember when my grandparents first moved down here, the one thing my grandma missed the most was the crusty Italian bread from Waldbaums. Sure there was French bread in all it's baguette glory but Italian bread could not be found. She wanted Italian bread with the seeds on top. And when my grandma wanted something she let people know it. SO I can only imagine the grief she gave the local Publix. " You say shopping here is a pleasure in your commercials. Well, shopping would be much more of a pleasure if you had real Italian bread" she probably said, sucking her teeth. Refusing, like the good stubborn Taurus she is, to pick up the French bread but after a lot of hemming and hawing realizing it was that or nothing. She loved bread and thanks to genetics I am a carb-a-holic.

Sidenote - we are not Italian by any means, so I laugh that the woman who had jars upon jars of Prego and Ragu sauces cared so much about bread. But that that is besides the point :) Clearly my Grandma was a hoot!

Tonight my mom and I went to Winn/Dixie for among other things, bread to have with dinner. Ravioli, jar sauce and a great salad with home-made dressing. Of course, the choices of bread did not include Italian. We missed the yummy sesame seeds as we dipped our bread in the bits of jar sauce left on our plates. You can't fight those genetics now can you?

Oh...speaking of French, read my sister's blog here about her 8am French class. How do you say Cute college professor alert en francais?!

