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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Simple Things

Christina at Soul Aperture is doing a "Simple Things" post with a twist. For every "Simple Things" blog post her family will donate $1.00, to Doctors Without Borders (up to 250.00). Here's what a "Simple Things" post is...
"dear january, we love you but, it's time to show you who's boss! my friends and i are posting the simple things in life, that we appreciate. we will weave our words with love, gratefulness, meaning and matter how big or small, we will bring light with the simple things."

Please consider writing your own "Simple Things" post and comment on her blog. 

So on to my "Simple Things"
*Watching it flurry at dusk*
*Making Hot Chocolate for a class of chilly 1st graders*
*Text messages from my mom*
*A nice glass of red wine*
*Having dessert first*
*Giggling over something really immature w/ a co-worker during our weekly mtng*
*I still have my Christmas tree up and I don't care who knows it*
*Turning on the lights of said Christmas tree every night*
*The little boy wearing pajamas that light up under his school uniform*
*Ugg boots...I don't care what you say, my feet are sooo warm!*
*Texts, Facebook Messages, Voicemails and finally real conversations with my sisters*
*"Hey Miss...I brought something HEALTHY for snack!!!"*
*5years ago tonight my husband and I met and he remembers!*
*Comfy pajamas*
*Mittens that change into fingerless gloves*
*Stella Artois*
*Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Tomato Soup*
*The flicker of a candle*
*Dancing in the apt before I leave for work to whatever music I feel like*
*Escaping back in Mexico at least in my mind*
*"It's our pleasure to serve you" coffee cups*
*For compassion, faith, love and miracles, especially for and in Haiti*


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Help for Haiti

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong.  Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.  ~George Washington Carver

Laptop still out of commission. But there could be bigger problems. On that note, please consider donating to help with the disaster relief in Haiti. 

The Mayor's Fund for us NYC folk is devoting 100% of donations to the Haiti Disaster Fund. I love this story  posted on the Dept of Ed website about a few schools who gathered bags of change and sweet letters written by the students.  "Dear Haiti: here is some money and a bag of hope," wrote Hana, a third-grader at P.S. 188, in a letter. "I am praying for you every night. Remember there is always hope! Very soon everything will be fixed." Ohh...I cry just reading that letter! Kids have the biggest hearts and say such real, honest things. 

I got an email from International Medical Corps letting me know what their organization is and what they are doing in Haiti. IMC is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization, committed to the rescue effort. According to their website they are currently working at the  Hospital De'l Universite d'etat d'Haiti treating the injured. You can donate $10 simply by texting 'Haiti" to 85944 or you can donate online.
I'm also including a widget from their website in this post, hopefully it shows up. You can also donate here.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Sounds like Chicken Pizza

But it's really Chichen Itza

Mexico - ahhh sweet Mexico. What an awesome, restful, relaxing, warm, tequilla & cerveza filled week. However...."someone" dropped the laptop. Laptop has a huge sad face right now which I'm trying to fix. In the meantime just a few photos I managed to upload

Agave - the Mexican restaurant at our resort - we went Christmas Eve & again a 2nd time. So yummy!
What I loved about the restaurants was you could tell careful thought was put into the interior design to help them feel authentic - beautiful drapes & furniture in the French place that made me think of Versailles - red fabrics and an overall very minimal feeling at the Asian place, etc. Very well done!

Yummy dessert

Beach days - wonderful!
Up on our rooftop deck - which will be the 'happy place' in my mind for days to come. Drinking some bubbly, but of course...