I like to keep track of my workouts. I'm not super hardcore when it comes to improving my time each session but it is nice to have a record to look back on. I use a great free website for this: Log Your Run.com Whatever kind of physical activity you do - run, bike, swim, jog, strength training, yoga, pilates, aerobics - there is a spot for you to record it. If you know the time & distance you ran/swam/etc they will figure out your pace per mile. You can enter your sneakers and they will keep track of how many miles you have gone in them (a great excuse to go shopping when it's time to replace them!). You can view the data you've entered in a weekly or yearly format and even download it in an excel unit. There's a lot of other neat features - it's a website worth checking out even if you're a casual mall walker! Any kind of exercise is good for you :)
When I get home from the gym I really like to stretch & relax. I do a little before and after my runs but I need some more R&R time. I looked at Target for some Yoga dvds but I hate not being able to preview what I am buying. How do I know that I'll like the instructor? Will it be too cheesy? Will it make me think of Richard Simmons?!?! He's hysterical and done a lot for people, but not what I need. SO I searched iTunes and found ExerciseTV they have yoga, pilates, abs, etc. Most are 20minutes, which is a perfect amount for me. All for the wallet friendly $1.99 an episode! Their website has a lot of other videos to download and even some for me. They also say they are free for certain Direct TV customers...but not for me! Boo Cablevision!! Yay pretty pink Yoga mat!
Don't forget to stay properly hydrated when you're working out! :)
Check out this free yoga workout from exercisetv. I love it: