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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Bedtime is my favorite time with 3 and Ruby. Maybe this will jinx things but we have a great routine with 3 and he goes to bed very easily. Naps are another story but bedtime we got. It is usually all four of us involved in some way, with Ruby being the most passive participant. Perhaps a little tv, a small bit of milk, a book or two, brush teeth, another book, kisses and carried off to bed.

Ruby is of course a little different. Getting her ready for bed is fun because we lounge on the big bed for a bit and oh man she coos and ahhhhs and I just melt into a big pile of mush. She's usually been eating off and on for most of the late evening so who wouldn't be happy? Anyway, pajamas are put on and maybe we come back out to hang out with her daddy more. When she's sleepy we go back into our room for one last feeding and snuggle before dreams come. Also, as a small sleep tip - swaddle swaddle and more swaddled. Big fans here! 

The last glimpse of 3 in his crib is a little bittersweet for me. I leave the room and usually wish I had more time for him in the day. I try to carve out special time just the two of us but some days I wonder where the time went. He seems a little bigger each night which is by far the most bittersweet.

Ruby takes a little last glimpse around her after she's been put in her crib. During the day it seems she is always observing and wondering about the world around her so why would the evening be any different. There's just so much to see! 

Good night friends! 


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