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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

MWM - Piles

Welcome to the first MamaWhisk Monday!! 
I wrote about doing these MWM posts on Friday and oh my gosh I'm meeting my first goal with a post!  

I think Motherhood can often be described by the word "piles".

You know, piles of laundry, piles of dishes that need to be washed and of course piles of books. 

Let's talk about my favorite pile - books. On the subject of books I am a pile person.

Do you know pile people? Shout Out to Kate for the term "pile people', her love of literature and for sharing her words on Lost In A Book Somewhere. Thanks Kate!! Piles on the nightstand. Piles on top of the books on a bookshelf because every shelf is full. Beyond full. Piles next to the bookshelf.  Piles are the best.

Back to piles and Motherhood. I love the pile of books we've started for 3. Board books for now and a mini-library of big boy books for later on. Goodnight Moon, Urban Babies Wear Black, and Cicka Chicka Boom Boom are three titles on a regular rotation through story time. While he was still known as "Pancakes" a lovely group of ladies threw a baby shower and everyone brought him a book. We have a small library as you can probably imagine. 

I leave books pretty much where ever 3 can find them. Books should be accessible and shown love and opened often. Typically they are on a low coffee table so 3 can grab one whenever he wants.

 I love reading before bed when we're snuggled together the three of us on the couch. Drink a milk, brush teeth, read books, kisses and then bed. It's the last momenst of our day together and it always goes by too too fast..

If you've been around board books you've probably noticed that they are all about the same size. Urban Babies Wear Black is about 5.5 inches all around. Little marshmallow fingers love find this to be the perfect size! Last month I bought 3 a new book, I am a Bunny. The illustrator Richard Scarry, is a favorite of mine from childhood. He wrote the "Busytown" series, "Best Ever" series, as well as many other books with beautiful, rich pictures.

 I was so excited to find one of his books in board book format that I didn't realize it would be bigger all our other books, with a few extra inches in height. "The Bunny Book" has quickly become a favorite.

 I love this winter scene. The pine trees, the snow falling, the dark sky. I also love that 3 is holding it in his lap, picture facing out. I saw this moment and thought "Oh my boy is a genius! All my read-a-louds in 'teacher style' have really rubbed off on him!" 
And then he flipped it upside down.
Still my smart boy of course :)  Just a little more age appropriate perhaps.

Do you have a favorite children's book? Please leave a comment! Always looking for new titles for us to discover. Thanks for checking out MamaWhisk Monday. And go check out Kate's blog.
